Graduation Countdown!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Been a while...

I haven't had much FUN stuff to post about lately. This has been a heck-ish summer, and I am certainly looking forward to FALL! Only a few more days until official fall, and cooler days, more brisk mornings (you mean I have to put CLOTHES on (other than undies) to make breakfast?) I totally welcome wearing layers again--though, I've put on a few "layers" this summer already that need to be shed...sigh, curse you Starbucks and your Pumpkin Spice syrup and your zucchini walnut muffins of death! Why must you tempt me every morning? (slurp slurp...)

Anyway, the FUN of the summer has died down, and now the only thing left to do is find a few more places for Grandma's mementos, and sell the rest at the Estate Sale on Saturday. Then, the FUN of trying to sell her house begins for Mom--hopefully the location, location, location of the house--right next to shopping in the 55 and older zone will appeal to some nice elderly couple with out bringing the asking price down for some person who thinks flipping the old house would be a good idea--ahem, it STILL has to be sold to someone oer 55, though that's getting younger every day! Heck, that's only 20 years for me! GASP! :)

So, my list of complaints has gotten longer, even though the drama is over for now. Mainly, I'm complaining about my weight. Something I could TRY to control, but I've been completely unmotivated. "It's too..." hot, late, early, busy, kids need me, I'm sad, I'm depressed--my personal favorite of late, "My grandma died, I need comfort food..." UM, who always told me, EVERY time I saw her, "You look thinner!" God bless her! I should try to really look thinner for real--you never know when I might see her next! :)

Speaking of God--I need to find a book called, "Catholicism for Dummies." If I'm going to get myself out of bed on Sunday mornings for the 8:30 mass, without coffee first, I'm going to need to know what to do, and say--I can't believe how almost NO ONE in the congregation takes out the books to read the words to the "poems"--LOL--I know they aren't poems (they don't RHYME!) that they recite every week--even the little kids know the entire thing--and those suckers are LONG! Of course, I'm already a bad Catholic... yesterday my kids were screwing around--lying on the floor next to the thingy you kneel on, and I told them to get up and sit nicely. Then, one of them (they pointed fingers across at each other) pushed that kneely thingy down and it banged onto the floor, and I said, "DAMMIT!" Yeah, I swore in church... ouch. Anyway, I don't need a book for that--just something that explains it all... Also, I'm not keen on voting for Prop 8 ("protecting" have those two strikes against me.) I'll have to pray for some understanding... Maybe if you pray, you can pray for me, too... :)


michelle said...

Thankyou for the birthday wishes and for joining in !! hugs

NurseMel said...

LOL I can totally relate to the weight issues. Summer is fast approaching us in Australia and I am dreading it this year. Well actually have been dreading it for about the last 10 years!!

Anyway, just wanted to say I love your Blog.

Greetings from Oz,